Online Modules / Portals
Online Module/Portals
thankQ offers an extensive range of online web modules to enhance your ability to engage with your clients:
Web Donations
Manage one or more web donation pages that integrate intimately with thankQ.
An inbuilt content management system allows the flexibility to manage the following:
- Page layout, content and pictures
- Online receipt content
- Automated e-mail content
- PCI compliant payment processing
- Design your own fields to capture additional information
- Direct payment to specific campaigns
- and more…
Web Events
Publish a calendar of events, manage the purchase of tickets, attendees and seating.
An inbuilt content management system allows the flexibility to manage the following:
- Page layout, content and pictures
- Online receipt content
- Automated e-mail content
- PCI compliant payment processing
- Design your own fields to capture additional information
- Additional donation contribution
- and more…
Web Membership Portal
Complete streamlined sign up, registration and renewal website portal.
An inbuilt content management system allows the flexibility to manage the following:
- Webite layout, menus, page content and pictures
- Login and password recovery
- Personal details management
- Additional Information; profiles, preferences and relationships
- PCI compliant payment processing
- Additional donation contribution
- and more…
Web Client Portal
Complete streamlined sign up and registration website portal.
An inbuilt content management system allows the flexibility to manage the following:
- Webite layout, menus, page content and pictures
- Login and password recovery
- Personal details management
- Additional Information; profiles, preferences and relationships
- PCI compliant payment processing
- and more…
Web Volunteer Portal
Complete streamlined sign up, registration and job application website portal.
Intimately integrated with back-office functions to control the delivery of content to the webiste. The key features include:
- Login and password recovery
- Personal details management
- Skills management and validation
- Job applications and requirements validation
- Calendar, scheduling and time recording
- Back office validation and administration (e.g. awarding jobs)
- and more…
Web Community / Participation / Sponsorship Portal
Complete streamlined sign up, registration and community sponsorship website portal.
An inbuilt content management system allows the flexibility to manage the following:
- Webite layout, menus, page content and pictures
- Login and password recovery
- Personal and team page management
- Linked relationship between participant and sponsor
- PCI compliant payment processing
- and more…
Web Registration / Surveys
Manage one or more web registration / survey pages that integrate intimately with thankQ.
An inbuilt content management system allows the flexibility to manage the following:
- Page layout, content and pictures
- Online receipt content
- Automated e-mail content
- Design your own fields to capture additional information
- Information collected mapped to personal details, profiles or preferences
- and more…
Web Merchandise
Complete web shop and shopping cart with optional donation; manage products, categorisation, specials and daily deals.
Intimately integrated with back-office functions to control the delivery of content to the webiste. The key features include:
- Back office management of content; products and categorisation
- Extensive shipping matrix
- Discount management
- Online Receipt
- Automated e-mail
- and more…
Web Raffles
Publish a calendar of raffles, manage the purchase of tickets and discounts.
An inbuilt content management system allows the flexibility to manage the following:
- Page layout, content and pictures
- Online receipt content
- Automated e-mail content
- PCI compliant payment processing
- Design your own fields to capture additional information
- Additional donation contribution
- and more…
Let thankQ help your organisation
achieve its goals